Monday, February 23, 2009

MAGIC KINGDOM (Friday, 2/20/09)

By the end of the day today I realized that there are two elements of our days on this trip - the actual day and the events that occur, and then there is the emotional part of the day, the part that overwhelms me and makes me tear up and makes my heart swell with gratitude. I'll just start by saying that Jonah got sick again at breakfast today, but I'm only sharing this because, after seeing his transformation throughout the day, it points out how amazing kids can be and how truly magical Disney World can be in the eyes of a child.

We all went to breakfast at Tony's inside the Magic Kingdom (opened early especially for BBA), where Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Goofy, Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse all came to visit the kids. It was awesome seeing their reactions and excitement! Right after this is when Jonah got sick, but as a testament to how kind everyone is being to us, our waiter immediately went out and bought Jonah a new outfit to wear. I gave Jonah the option of going back to the hotel for the day or at least a little while, but he wanted to stay at the park. His mind was SET on wearing his Buzz Lightyear outfit on the Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin ride.

After breakfast, we had a group photo taken in the rose garden in front of Cinderella's castle. It was here that I realized something really special about this trip - how close each family seems. Or rather, how close all of the couples seem. There are about five of us single moms, but when I look at the parents that are married, I see a bond and a closeness and a mutual kindness between them that has really impressed me. I can really appreciate the strength in a couple that it takes to raise a child with special needs, and I am so glad to be witnessing these examples of loving and respectful couples who are facing such tough challenges, yet still remain so solid. I see this in the way they talk to each other and interact with each other and just sneak off to a corner for a quick hug and solitary moment together.

Once the picture was taken, Jonah put on his Buzz costume - stripped down to underwear right there in the rose garden and got that outfit on, yes, inflatable wings too - and we headed over to the Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin. That kid was on a mission. I was cracking up the whole way. Thousands of kids walking through the park, and then there's Jonah, in his full costume. And then when we got to the ride, holy crap! He flipped out! He ran through the line, and right before you get on the ride, there is a life-size Buzz talking to you, and Jonah seriously almost passed out! Honestly, was this the same kid who was throwing up 30 minutes earlier??

I think the ride was definitely everything he thought it would be and more. And for me too - because seeing his reaction to Buzz and Zurg, well, he really does think they are REAL! And he got to shoot lasers at Zurg and help defeat him, and the whole thing is REAL in his mind, and as he grows up, this memory will stay with him in some way forever. And I LOVE that!

Each family had a staff person with us for the day, and Amy Moosbrugger was with us. Jonah loved her, and by the end of the day he was only holding Amy's hand (not mine) and sitting next to Amy on all the rides (not me). And this is another reason this trip is crazy unreal - Jonah would say, "Oh, look at that toy," and next thing I knew, Amy had bought it for him. By the end of the day, Jonah had a Buzz laser shooter and Pizza Planet claw being sent back to the hotel (both too big for us to carry around the park all day), he got t-shirts, a pirate Mickey Mouse and a million other toys. Our stroller was filled with so much stuff, Jonah could barely fit in it!

Okay, but here is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE part of the day and probably going to be for the whole trip, and Jonah's too... After an hour or two, Jonah decided he wanted to ride the Buzz Lightyear ride again. As we were walking there, we saw Buzz Lightyear himself standing on a platform signing autographs. Eyes popping out of his head, we ran over and got in line. I'm not sure who was more excited, me or Jonah! When Jonah walked up to Buzz with his little Disney autograph book, it was the moment of a lifetime. Buzz was hysterical, walking around Jonah, pointing at him and then himself, as if to be saying something about Jonah being an imposter. But then, he looked down at Jonah and saluted him, and as if on cue, Jonah saluted him back - and that's when I almost cried! The smile on Jonah's face was ear to ear, the biggest and proudest moment of his life, I think. I know for me, that mental picture will last forever. Plus, I took about a hundred photos as well!

By the end of the day Jonah was totally exhausted. I had a complete "mom moment" when he fell asleep on the bus ride back to the hotel, head leaning against my arm, as he held tightly to his brand new Pirate Mickey. It reminded me of riding the monorail back to our hotel when I came to Disney World as a kid with my family. I guess this little power nap rejuvenated Jonah, because we met everyone for bedtime stories and dessert back at the hotel...but when you give dessert to that many kids after spending a day in Disney, sitting still for stories is NOT gonna happen. They just ran all around the room, screaming and chasing each other. I can't believe Jonah was throwing up this morning at breakfast and then running around like a maniac 12 hours later. I really think "being" Buzz Lightyear today completely transformed him.

I loved today. I love that Jonah forgot all about being sick the second he put on his costume. I love that he totally got into character. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that he got to meet the "real" Buzz Lightyear, and that I got such great photos that capture his joy and excitement. I love that I got to spend such an amazing and unforgettable day with my sweet little boy at the Magic Kingdom. I am beyond grateful that we were picked to go on this trip because this is so much more than I ever could have done for Jonah on my own. Today meant the world to me. I would so much rather be here watching Jonah than be here as a child - it is priceless!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Kerrie, you've made me a blubbering idiot right here at my desk. I am SO happy that Jonah had such an amazing time, and sounds like you guys got such the royal treatment! What great memories for you both... the pic with him and Buzz is priceless. Lots of love to you both.
