Monday, February 16, 2009

I'm too excited to work!

It's true. I'm sitting here on my laptop, but all I can think about is our trip to Disney World in a few short (or rather, loooong, days)! When Heather nominated us for Bert's Big Adventure, I never thought in a million years we would win. As a matter of fact, after I, along with Jonah's wonderful doctor (Jeff Lewis at GI Care for Kids), filled out the paperwork, I just kind of put it out of my head. I know Jonah is "sick," but that's not how I think of him. He's just this amazing, bright, inquisitive, IMAGINATIVE, energetic-bordering-on-hyper kid who goes with the flow and enjoys pretty much everything under the sun. He can have as much fun riding somewhere in the car as he can at Kangazoom.

I have known since Jonah was 4 months old that a liver transplant was inevitable. But that reality didn't truly hit me until a few weeks ago when we made the decision to go ahead and place Jonah on the transplant list. And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Now when I go into Jonah's room at night to kiss him goodnight and I watch him sleeping, I find myself tearing up. Each kiss is a little longer and each hug is a little tighter, and I wonder why sometimes it takes such a scary truth to make me remember how special this sweet child is and how amazing he makes my life - despite the crazy behavior he's had that day!

So when people say that this trip we are about to go on is just a trip to Disney World, well, no it is not. It is a chance for Jonah to see that he is not the only child enduring daily medicines and physical restrictions. He is about to get the chance to live out his dream - riding on the Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin ride. I have been hearing about this ride since about 3 minutes after I told Jonah about the trip. I have no idea how he knew about this ride, but he actually packed his Buzz Lightyear costume - inflatable wings and jetpack and all! - about 2 weeks ago, and he insists that he is going to wear it on the ride. I laugh just thinking about it.

I'm sure I will enjoy the Magic Kingdom as well, but mostly I am eagerly anticipating watching Jonah. Seeing his face light up at the characters. Watching his amazement as he will no doubt believe that Alvin and the Chipmucks are REAL. And that Buzz Lightyear is REAL. And that Mickey Mouse is REAL I think my cheeks are going to hurt each night from smiling so broadly all day as I watch Jonah's face all lit up.

I am so happy for him. In life we don't always get what we deserve - I know that. But in this case, I am ecstatic that my little boy is getting exactly what he deserves...a trip of a lifetime that I know we will both remember forever. And when he has that transplant, he will have these happy memories to think about and to relish in to help get him through. Because this trip will always tell him how much people can and do care about other people and how special he is to have been chosen.


  1. Kerrie,

    I am SO excited for you guys! What a wonderful gift for Jonah, and you will never forget the first time he lays eyes on Buzz, Mickey, whoever. If you want to find a character that you don't see, ask a castmember, and they can tell you where to find him or her.

    I can't wait to hear allllll about the trip! Take lots of pictures!

  2. I cannot even begin to tell you just how much fun you guys are going to have. It is truly a magical place (for both kids & adults a like!) My favorite is watching Tink start the fireworks at the Magic Kingdom. I get butterflies every time I see it!

    Enjoy it all!

  3. Wow, Kerrie, this is exciting! I had no idea what Bert's Big Adventure was when you were on FB status-ing about it! I thought it was some adventure you and your aspen friends go on every year, like bar- hopping, ha ha. Now that I've googled it, I'm enlightened. I hope y'all have a great time! Please give Jonah a big hug from me and tell him we can't wait to see him at the beach again this summer! Have a great time and keep up the blog! : )

